Lab 06 - Sensors fusion: using multiple sensors for autonomous drive

Robotics II

Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence

Laboratory 6: Sensor fusion I - using multiple sensors for autonomous drive

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The goal of the laboratory is to develop a way to extract depth information from many visual sensors.

Pre-work activities

1. Depth sensor

Depth cameras (RGB-D) allow to obtain information about the real distance of objects from the sensor and to combine this information with the RGB image indicating the corresponding pixels. These cameras are mainly used in indoor environments: robotics (movie) and augmented reality (movie).


An program has been drafted. Your task is to fill in missing code in the camera_depth_callback method. Missing code is responsible for filtering outstanding values, depth normalising and applying the colour map. Steps: * change values larger than 15 m to 0 * change values lesser than 3 m to 0 * rescale values to <0,256) range * convert the matrix to the np.uint8 type * use cv2.applyColorMap in order to colouring image (you can choose your favourite palette here)

Pay attention to np.frombuffer function that this time it required np.float32 type to capture depth image.

As a result, upload a screenshot with a depth image from the rviz tool to the eKursy platform.

2. Stereo-vision depth estimation

The main idea of solving for depth using a stereo camera involves the concept of triangulation and stereo matching. The formal depends on good calibration and rectification to constrain the problem so that it can be model on a 2D plane. An example of stereo depth estimation using the HITNET model.


In this task, you work in the file. Inside VisionDetector class constructor is little change. There are two subscribers for the left and right camera and they are connected by ApproximateTimeSynchronizer whose role is to keep both images synchronous.

Issue: the real-life cases required additional steps for using depth estimators. Due to the simulator’s behaviour, we can skip the process of camera calibration and remapping image distortions. You can find example here.

As a result, upload a screenshot with a stereo depth image from the rviz tool to the eKursy platform. Additionally, comment on the visible differences between depth images and stereo-depth images.

3. Calculate truth cones depth based on range image


The task is to generate a Pose object for each bounding box. The rosbag contains the following topics: left image, depth image and bounding box array.

Your workspace file is and you can launch it using: roslaunch fsds_roboticsII vision_pose_estimator.launch

Your subtasks are: * in the estimate_cones_poses function get the depth value of the centre of the box * tip: check the vision_msgs/BoundingBox2D message documentation * tip: remember that python indexes must be an integer * in the subsciber_callback function: * Split cone_poses into three parts: red_cones, yellow_cones, blue_cones. Each value of cone_poses is a tuple: category and Pose. New lists should contain only Pose values. * Below, inside the for-loop add function which drawing cones rectangles with respect to colours.

As a result, upload a screenshot with a image and Pose position from the rviz tool to the eKursy platform.